Death Reigns Supreme...

It's been about a year since this site wasn't updated.
For nothing has changed much since.
Composing never stoped though and some contacts were made along the way.
Also this a new section for the site.
Basilisk Production is going to release 1000 copies for Slain's 10th anniversary
(1996 - 2006) next year.
The album already has a name, "Todeshexe".
Those familiar to the old Slain demo might understand.
So the name is just a "kind" regard to the early days, back in '96...
Basilisk Prod is a totaly underground dedicated label.
Just go check their site at
The label has incredible low prices hence almost no money is earn, just enough for other releases from other projects, such is the dedication of Basilisk Production!
Due to that reason "Todeshexe" will be released in two waves of 500 copies.
The 100 pro CD-r limited copies of "Suicidal Art - "Longing for a Grave"  that was supposed to come out last year in 2k4, should finally be out soon through Purodium Rek.
The same label that (alongside with Sword Prod.) unleashed the first demo "Death Reigns Supreme...".
Negotiation for new T-shirts were discuss.
Let see what will happen...
More news will come, eventually...